Thursday, 1 June 2017

EXAM Q1a - Research + Planning



A lot my research wasn't relevant at first to my coursework, and/or I wasn't able to apply it
Planning/Structuring is one my weaknesses.


  • Going a use Google Calendar to plan, use DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY
  • My research will be much more diverse this year as will spread across various media (cross-media convergence)
  • Also hope to me much more engaging with AUDIENCE as early as possible, do. questionnaire starting off what do they expect from a music video
  • ProdEval Advice, the rest are from the same blog
  • Characteristics of a Music Video; (bite-sized chunks of theory!)
  • Web 2.0 + Fan-made vids: Applying YOUR work; (any Q1a answer should cite web 2.0)
  • CREATIVITY: Tyranny of Genre; (snippet: 'The phrase "tyranny of genre" comes from genre theorist Richard Coe, who wrote that "the 'tyranny of genre' is normally taken to signify how generic structures constrain individual creativity"')
  • Creativity sans la femme + Bechdel Test; feminist Bechdel flags up the tawdry way women are used in film, but also consider the wider lack of women in prominent positions: were you influenced by any female directors, for example, of film/video? Feminism is a theory you should address for this topic. To what extent are the conventions you've used sourced from male practitioners? Sexist? Or does post-feminist thinking end such debates?
  • Creativity and R+P: Monsters; here's an $800k debut feature by a director who struggled to get financing because he didn't have a full script - like Loach. Leigh etc Gareth Edwards wanted to organically develop his script with his cast during the shoot. Indeed, he hired non-actors as he travelled (entire crew in ONE car!) on location...
  • Micro-budget films +DCRUP
  • Cultural Imperialism; this was tied to a previous exam topic but can still be used to explore how Britishness is subsumed by dominant American tropes - or even how S.Eng rep'ns overwhelmingly dominate UK media output; are your text/s normative or perhaps counter-hegemonic (challenging these normative representations, challenging whats seen as common sense and above questioning?). What proportion of the texts you examined were specifically British ... or even non-London-based for that matter?
  • The 'Britishness' of your work; rom-com eg but can be applied across the board. As above, how British-based was your research?. This maybe is not as relevant for CIE but is highly ironic with Suede's Britpop image, but also this is still a British exam.
  • Coens on using Final Cut for Oscar-nommed True Grit
  • Researching recent genre egs + presenting this in vid;
  • Box Office(Mojo) by Genre; this eg is for slasher but you can click through for others too. Persistently successful: tease out the factors behind this.
  • eg of prior aud research

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